Handbook v2.1
on August 26th, 1999
Section 1, Introduction
KGB is more than just a Guild. We are a group of friends that are involved in several on-line virtual worlds. KGB is a "Good" aligned guild. Our focus is to assist those in need and to spread the virtues of good. KGB Members detest cheating, Player Killing, and the taking advantage of innocence in any way. The Guild promotes Role Playing and members adhere to a complex and organized structure. This document is designed to help Members become familiar with the KGB system.
Membership Oath:
As a Member of the Knights of Glory and Beer, my personal integrity is irreproachable. I will never degrade myself by the lying to, cheating of, stealing from, or harming the innocent. I hold myself personally and unequivocally responsible to ensure the preservation of the honor of the Membership and good name of the KGB at all times. I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and prevent all offences against the persons and properties of those of "good" alignment.
Section 2, KGB Resources and Communication
As a KGB member you are expected to keep up to date about current
events and information. The Guild has several information
resources for this purpose. KGB is organized around this WebSite.
The following is a brief description of the site and its
The KGB Sentinel Guild News Paper - The Sentinel is the primary source for current information and news about the guild and the KGB in general. As a member you should check the page daily for the most current events and information. Using the SUBMIT NEWS feature, any member can submit an article for posting on the KGB Sentinel. It is highly encouraged!
State of the KGB Page - The State of the KGB page records the latest diplomatic status of the guild, Wars, Cease Fires, and any diplomatic agreement. This page also keeps membership totals and other information. This page should be checked regularly for important diplomatic updates.
The KGB Meeting Hall - This is the place that the guild does its primary interaction. All members of the board can get involved in discussions and exchange information. As a member, you should check the Meeting Hall as often as possible for the most current information from members. Members are expected to take part in conversations and share important information.
The KGB Charter - Active members permanent records are stored and updated here. This is a place to see who is who in the KGB and admire the accomplishments of our active an retired members.
The KGB Constitution - This document outlines the KGB government and explains the various powers of the different governing branches. You should become familiar with this system as all members have a voice in how the guild is run.
The KGB Armed Forces Page - Although not required, most of KGB's membership have chosen to join the Military. The Military is divided up in to several divisions. The KGB Paladins and the KGB GSS are listed under the Military branch but are actually special division that will be described later. Go to the Armed Forces Information section to see the various ranks and requirements of a Military Career.
Join The KGB - The Member application page has the latest version of the KGB Member FAQ (you should read and know). You as a member can sponsor new members into the guild by taking responsibility for their actions over the first thirty days. See this page for more details
While in and out if the game, KGB has several methods of
communication. As a member you are expected to have the following
working communication tools.
ICQ - You can download the ICQ client and create and account for free. You are provided with a UIN number. You should post this number in the KGB Meeting Hall for all members to see.
IRC - You can download PERCH or MIRC from the internet at no charge. IRC is the most stable chat platform and is widely used.
E-Mail - you will often be identified by your email address. You should have a working E-Mail address or go to one of the many free e-mail servers (Yahoo is a good one) and open an account
Section 3, Member Conduct
KGB is a close knit group of friends. You as a member are expected to treat your fellow members with respect and courtesy at all times and in all forms of communication. The KGB you wear above your head represents the respect and spirit that KGB members, active and retired have sacrificed hundreds of hours to build. Everything you do with the KGB title effects that reputation. Be honorable and help others whenever possible.
From the KGB Constitution (All should read the entire document carefully)
of Rights and Conduct
implemented on Friday, May 14th, 1999
Article I, Introduction
The Knights of Glory and Beer have been dedicated to the destruction of Evil and the protection of the innocent. As the world has changed, so has KGB's guidelines. Our world has a flawed Notoriety and Judgement system, but it is the only system available. This document will serve as the members Bible. All members of the KGB are expected to follow the rules listed here and will be judged based upon them.
Membership Oath:
As a Member of the Knights of Glory and Beer, my personal integrity is irreproachable. I will never degrade myself by the lying to, cheating of, stealing from, or harming the innocent. I hold myself personally and unequivocally responsible to ensure the preservation of the honor of the Membership and good name of the KGB at all times. I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and prevent all offences against the persons and properties of those of "good" alignment.
Article II, Rules of Conduct and Engagement
Section I, CONDUCT
The following
are the rules of KGB Citizen and Military advisor conduct that
every member is follow. Violations of these rules will result in
review and punishment per the KGB Supreme Court.
Clause 1. Presentation and Communication - KGB Members will treat all persons (Friends and Foes alike) with respect in all forms of communication at all times. No Member of the KGB will use profanity / foul language to taunt and or racial slurs under any circumstances. KGB Members will present themselves as honorable, respectable, and chivalrous at all time with no exceptions.
Clause 2. Knowledge - You are expected to be educated in the rules and regulations of KGB, and keep up to date on current events and needs. All members are expected to check the KGB Sentinel, State of the KGB page, and the KGB Meeting Hall (KGB Citizens only) on a regular basis. Lack of knowledge is not a defense against violations of KGB's ever changing laws.
Clause 3. Loyalty - You are expected to obey the wishes of the guild leadership and follow the rules and regulations of the guild at all times without question. There are ways to question the conduct of Guild leaders if you feel that they are not following the KGB code. This should be done after you have performed your duty as the Commander will be held directly responsible for their decisions and orders. The KGB GuildMaster and Prime Minister are always there to discuss the actions of Guild leadership.
Clause 4. Personal Conduct - KGB members will never be involved in lying to, cheating of, stealing from, or harming the innocent. As a member of KGB it is your responsibility to enforce the code and mission. You must take all of the conduct guidelines into consideration as you perform your duty.
Clause 5. Assistance and Association - You are a member of KGB first. You must be prepared to put guild goals ahead of your own, and your loyally to the Guild above personal friendships and relationships. All members of KGB are expected to perform their duty at all times. KGB members will not associate with criminals and enemies of the guild while they wear the KGB title. If the situation arises that you feel you may have to take action against a friend or family, you have the right to excuse yourself from the situation.
Clause 6. Your Notoriety (Red and Blue) - KGB members are not permitted to be flagged RED, no exceptions. KGB members that slip to RED must resign from the GuildStone immediately, and make returning to blue their highest priority. Upon return to blue you will appear before the KGB Supreme Court where your actions will be reviewed. If you are found to be justified you may return to the stone with a warning. **PLEASE NOTE** KGB members need to do what is necessary to avoid turning RED. If this means altering your tactics, so be it. As the defenders of the innocent and the dealers of justice, we cannot afford to be seen RED.
Section II, Rules
of Engagement
The following
are the rules of engagement that must be applied to each
situation that may involve combat. Although the current system is
flawed in many ways, it is the only system we have. KGB is judged
based on how they act and re-act to these situations.
Clause 1. RED = DEAD - KGB Armed Forces will attack and kill any person or persons of RED alignment, no questions, no exceptions. It is a KGB members duty to attack and kill EVIL RED murders. You as a representative of the KGB have a license ANY RED marked murderer. KGB's policy is well advertised, and it is the responsibility of innocent REDS to stay out of site until they return to blue alignment.
Clause 2. ORANGE - KGB Members will treat all persons of ORANGE notoriety as enemies and should be killed on site. No exceptions, no excuses.
Clause 3. GRAY - KGB Members must evaluate each person of GRAY notoriety on a case by case basis. Just being GRAY is not excuse to attack. You must have seen a crime committed or be advised by a trusted individual that witnessed the crime. Insults, taunting or other forms of verbal attack are NOT grounds for attack. In War Parties, KGB members will wait for orders by the unit commander before attacking GRAY persons.
Clause 4. BLUE - KGB Members will NEVER attack persons of BLUE notoriety. Only a special decree by The KGB GuildMaster, Prime Minister, Warlord, Chairman of the KGB High Council or KGB Knight General can permit attack upon blues. YOU WILL STILL BE ACCOUNTABLE for any murder counts you receive regardless of leadership decree. THERE IS NO exceptions TO THIS RULE.
5. Newly
- KGB will not execute the newly resurrected.
** There are special circumstances in which you are allowed to
execute a newly resurrected enemy:
THE KGB SUPREME COURT - Conduct Feedback
This form is
used for the for reporting inappropriate conduct directly
witnessed by you of a representative of the KGB Organization. All
reports will be reviewed and you will receive a response. The KGB
has a special law enforcement and judicial body that reviews and
punnishes KGB members that poorly represent the Guild or violate
the code. All citizens are urged to take part in this program. If
KGB is not performing its duty, we want to know about it.
It is the responsibility of the
GuildMaster and Prime Minister to enforce the conduct code of the
Guild. All members should assist in this effort by recording and
reporting fellow members that would harm the reputation of the
Guild. Members should add the following line to their UO.CFG to
be able to access their journals as a means to help enforce these
rules. Screen shots should be taken of any KGB member violating
these rules and submitted to the GuildMaster.
JournalSaveFile=c:\uojournal.txt(this should be deleted or
compressed from time to time as it gets big very quickly)
**Download this GREAT and FREE
Screen shot program! Click HipShot to Download**
Online SS Utility
Section 4, KGB Structure
The following Chart shows how the KGB Government works. The individual departments are explained below.
The GuildMaster is the person responsible for the overall operations of the guild. Although the laws may be voted in by the HC the GM/CIC is responsible for making sure that everybody adheres to them. He also has the power to veto any law voted in by the HC. For more HC details see the constitution page. He may assign punishment or he may defer to the judgement of the HC in assigning a punishment. The GM is also in charge of the guildstone. He is the one to contact if you need to be entered. He also has the keys to all Guild owned buildings. The GM is extremely busy and should not be bothered with idle questions. Please refer questions about the guild and the structure of legislative information to your local High Council Representative. The GuildMasters door is always open if you feel you question warrants his attention. If you have a complaint about a fellow members actions you can contact either the GM or the PM. The GuildMasters main priority is to maintain stability of the Guild. In extreme cases he has the option to completely replace all Guild officials. Maintaining this stability is like walking a razors edge and takes up a good portion of his time, he gets little actual game time as a result.
This person is responsible for the overall performance and stability of the guild. This person is usually briefed on the latest developments as to the current and upcoming plans of the guild. The Prime Minister also oversees the Guild Sponsored Events Division (GSED). If you have questions on these things then you should contact the PM. The PM also can substitute for the GM/CIC in emergencies where either the GM is unavailable or unreachable.
This person is responsible for overseeing the law making body of the KGB. The CHC has a master list of ALL KGB members and applicants and oversees the application process of all new members. If you need to get an ICQ # you can either contact the CHC or SAA. The CHC is also responsible for making sure that the decisions reached by the HC are known to the regular members. This will most likely be done in the KGB Meeting Hall.
Answering to the GuildMaster directly, the KGB Warlord is responsible for the command and control of KGB Armed Forces. The Warlord must approve all promotions and changes to structure. The Warlord is ultimately responsible for the conduct and performance of all KGB Military personnel. Details of the Military ranking system can be found on the KGB Armed Forces Page. Rank requirements and award definitions are listed there.
This person is responsible for inter guild relations as well as maintaining links to our allies. This person is the one who negotiates with other guild so that we may become Allies with them. If you have questions as to who we are allied with first check the Allies page and then talk to the FM if your questions are still left unanswered.
This person is responsible for collecting guild taxes and manages the financial assets of the guild. This is the person to whom you give gold if you are asked for a donation or tax by the High Council, or GuildMaster. These monies are only used for guild purposes and are not to be spent on individuals unless decided so by the GM or HC. The MT must provide a weekly accounting of the treasury to the High Council
This individual is responsible for all operations in which the Guild Secret Service is involved in. He or She coordinates Spying operations and intelligence gathering. If you are interested joining the GSS contact this person. Also if you are allowed into the GSS and are asked about what you do, your reply should be as follows "I could tell you put I'll have to kill you." :)
This individual administrates and runs all non-military business operations, including the operation of the KGB store and the management of KGB's Craftspeople. The MCKGB also operates a special GuildStone so members that are not military oriented can still proudly wear the KGB title.
Section 5, Member Career Options
The KGB offers many interesting and challenging careers to choose from. Listed below are some of the main avenues you may choose to follow in your long career with KGB
KGB Military Personnel - Interested in fighting for truth, justice and the KGB way? Contact a General or the KGB Warlord (listed on the charter) and start your military career today. Make sure to read through the Armed Forces General Information Page to decide if the Military is for you.
CKGB Craftsperson - Are you an experienced crafts person? Looking for a great way to use and improve your craft? Looking for an opportunity to make great money without the risk of being killed? Contact the Minister of the CKGB about beginning your crafts career today. Help the KGB store become the most successful player run business in the game.
Political Office - Do you like kissing babies and shaking hands? Does the "game" grab your interests? Contact the GuildMaster today and start your way to political stardom.
KGB Guild Secret Service - Are you the James Bond type? Sneaky and enjoy the arts of sabotage, spying and infiltration? If you do the KGB GSS is for you! Contact the GSSM today and help protect the interests of your guild.
This concludes a brief but informative summary of the KGB system. If you have any questions about how things work or need more information about the different branches of the KGB system, contact the leader of the division you need information for or contact the Prime Minister. We hope your experience in KGB is both fun and profitable
Section 6, Sponsoring New Members
All new members must have a KGB member sponsor them into the guild just as you had a sponsor.
Some guidelines for a sponsor:
Number one thing to know: If the new member is punished - you will suffer the same punishment as the candidate you sponsor - be sure you know and trust them. You will get booted if they turn out to be a spy!
The person who sponsors a new member should be the coordinator and primary trainer. You should show them where the tower is (providing a marked rune) and the other KGB buildings as well. You should explain the KGB rules as you know them. (When the handbook is finished it should help *g*)
You should stress that honor is paramount in KGB, and poor behavior is a sure ticket out.
You should offer them their first KGB Uniforms - the dyed cloth & shield at least, and there are two. The original Official Dress Uniform is silver plate, red sash, blue cape, red kite, Viking sword and a plate helm -and mounted on a steed (horse). Silver chain tunic and legs are alternates. The Official Battle Uniform is a white/gray robe, blue apron and NO cape... the cape is an easy battle target.
If they wish to be in the military, then arrange a meeting with Ardath to get them assigned to a unit. The military Knight Commander of the unit will then assume responsibility for his military training, either doing it himself, or assigning someone. You as the sponsor should make sure all the questions and needs of the new member are answered, if not by yourself, then you find someone who can. You are the one with the contacts in KGB, not them.
For questions involving the military, they should seek the Knight Commander, General, Warlord - in that order. The Warlord is the absolute top of the military command chain and it is not possible to "go over his head " to change something. Also any promotion or rank assignments are not official or really permitted without direct assignment from the Warlord (Ardath). That is by direct order from the GuildMaster (Commander in Chief) JetStar. JetStar has reserved the right to decorate the military at his discretion.
They should know that the authority of the guild is divided between JetStar and the High Council, as outlined in the KGB Constitution. You can tell them that these are the jobs of the HC and GM:
GuildMaster: (JetStar) - He is the Leader of the guild. He and Drek created KGB in the game Tanarus and moved it to UO. Jet wrote the Constitution and distributed the authority to his chosen High Council.
In a nutshell: The High Council writes the laws of KGB, and JetStar has the sole right to veto the HC rulings. The GM is the Commander in Chief of the military - non-voting attendee of the HC meetings.
The High Council (HC):
Prime Minister: - His duties are to act as the GM in the absence of JetStar. High Council member. He has the tiebreaker in HC voting.
Warlord: - Commander of the KGB military by executive order from JetStar. Responsible for the assignment of all ranks, promotions and decorations (see above exception) within the military. The Warlord creates the structure of the military and approves of all unit member assignments. High Council member.
Chairman - The Chairmans primary job is to coordinate the HC and lead the meetings. The Chairman chooses an assistant, the Sargent at Arms (SAA) to assist with publication of the minutes and other bookkeeping tasks. Katrina is the SAA.
The Foreign Minister: - Coordinates the KGB affairs with other guilds.
Treasury Minister: - Handles all KGB finances. Reports to the High Council.
Craftsmen Minister: - Represents the craftsmen and manages the KGB Store.
At Large Members - General representatives on the HC - no specific job.
Guild Secret Service Minister: - Coordinates intelligence gathering for KGB. Members may apply to Peaches if they wish to do covert operations under her leadership. Not a High Council position.
Section 8, KGB Uniforms
The following are the standard outfits that KGB members are requested to wear at all time to support Guild unity and to help identify fellow members. As a Member you are not required to wear KGB uniforms unless it is ordered in cases of combat and or formal occasions, however wearing of the KGB uniform is strongly recommended and those who do will be recognized by Guild leadership
KGB Dress Uniform
All KGB members should own a a KGB Dress Uniform. Wearing this
uniform will help to identify you as a KGB member and help you
spot other members during your travels. Being seen in your Dress
Uniform will help improve KGB's image and moral.
KGB Silver Dress Uniform
This is the traditional KGB Dress Uniform and is well known.
During KGB Parades this uniform is worn with a red Kite Shield
and a Viking or Long Sword. All members are on horseback during
these occasions. The KGB HQ Tower has the proper color dye tubs
in the 2nd floor Guild Stone room. This is also the proper
uniform and all indoor formal occasions, minus the Shield and
sword. Members should always remove your Helmet while indoors.
KGB Battle Dress Uniform
During combat, KGB Military units should all wear this standard
Dress Uniform. It helps to hide your armor and keeps members from
being singled out by the enemy. KGB Members may also choose to
wear their Silver Dress Uniform into combat, but this may prove
to be costly in the event that you are killed in battle.
Guild Elder Uniform
The red aprin represents membership in the Order of the KGB
Paladins. The red aprin is restricted to Paladins only.
KGB GuildMasters Uniform
Gold Plate Armor and the KGB signature red Sash represent the KGB
GuildMasters Uniform. This Uniform should only be worn by the
GuildMaster himself and or KGB Prime Minister while serving as
Section 8, Awards and Recognition
KGB Award Policy states that someone (Even yourself) must send a written account of the said incident that you feel warrants an award. It is your responsibility to keep track of actions or situations that may warrant awards. You may send these accounts in any time using the Award Request feature.
Awards and Medals
KGB High Council Medal of Honor
This Medal is the KGB's highest honor. It is bestowed on an individual by proposition and vote by the KGB High Council. Recipients of the Medal are certainly among the elite of Britannia. A Candidate must show amazing, almost impossible skill, ability and bravery in a COMBAT situation. Only in the rarest of occasions does the Council consider this award. Recipients of this medal may wear gold gloves as part of their uniform.
KGB High Council Medal Of Valor
This Medal is the KGB's second highest honor. It is bestowed on an individual by proposition and vote by the KGB High Council. This Medal is a way for the council to award a soldier for showing the ultimate bravery in a COMBAT situation. It is almost a requirement that the recipient die and sacrifice his notoriety to receive this ultimate badge of courage. Only in the rarest of occasions does the Council consider this award. Recipients of this medal may wear black gloves as part of their uniform.
KGB Silver Star
The Medal is the Military's highest honor. It is bestowed on an individual by the CIC in conjunction with the commanding General. It is a way for the Military to recognize a soldiers uncommon valor and effectiveness in a COMBAT situation.
Golden Order
of the KGB Award
To join the ranks of the Golden Order of the KGB, a soldier must present 100 documented kills (Screen Shot Required) of criminals that have been determined enemies of the KGB. You are not limited to one award. You may receive 1 per 100. documented kills.
Order of the
KGB Award
To join the ranks of the Order of the KGB, a soldier must present 10 documented kills (Screen Shot Required) of criminals that have been determined enemies of the KGB. You are not limited to one award. You may receive 1 per 10 documented kills.
GuildMasters Golden Cross
This Medal is bestowed on an individual by the GuildMaster himself. It is a way for the top ranking officer to recognize individuals for exemplary service to him and to the Guild.
The KGB Prime
Ministers Golden Cross
This Medal is bestowed on an individual by the Prime Minister. It is a way for him to recognize individuals for exemplary service to him and to the Guild.
The KGB Distinguished Service
The Medal is a great honor to receive. It is bestowed on an individual by the CIC in conjunction with the commanding General. Soldiers that are especially innovative and stand out in their units are candidates to receive this award. It is awarded when a Service award just is not enough.
Service Medal
Members will receive the award for every three months of service to the guild. You must apply for this award to receive it. If you have served the KGB for three months or more, contact the GuildMaster.
Service Medal
Soldiers that perform service over and above the call of duty in both COMBAT and NON-COMBAT situations. The Medal is a honor to receive. It is bestowed on an individual by the CIC in conjunction with the commanding General.
KGB High Council Guild Service Medal
This Medal is the KGB's highest non-military honor. It is bestowed on an individual by proposition and vote by the KGB High Council. This is a way for the KGB High Council to recognized the contributions and services other than military. This award may be presented to individuals outside of the KGB or to an entire guild.
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