The KGB Sentinel Archives

April 1998 through May 1998


HEADLINES for May 27th, 1998

The Resistance Declares War Against KGB
GuildMaster Cry For Dawn fills the world with lies
Report by
JetStar, GuildMaster

Cry for Dawn is known across the land for his lies and cowardise. Those lies have again come to a head with his alter ego, The Dread Lady Nemesis. It appears that at night Cry For Dawn dresses up like a woman and goes out and murders. Here is my TOP TEN LIES from Cry For Dawns mouth.
Number 10 : "Im the best PvP fighter on Pacific, and I have never lost"
Number 9 : "I have spies in KGB" Muwahahahahahah! sorry...
Number 8 : "I have 102 Strength and 102 Intelligence"
Number 7 : "I know I quit, but I got 250 Emails from people asking me to stay" Bah! Hahahahahahah sorry....
Number 6 : "I can kill anyone in two hits from my bow"
Number 5 : "I dont PK"
Number 4 : "People like me"
Number 3 : "The resistance started with 1205 members" AaaaaaaaaaaaAHAHAahahahah! sorry again..
Number 2 : "I dont cheat or use bugs"
Number 1 : "I dont lie"

AoA GuildMaster tried for war crimes
Report by JetStar, GuildMaster

After turning himself into the PGC (to X-Lords GM FK) a trial was begun and the entire story of AoA's involvement in the Rebellion was exposed. After a long confession and questions from all the members of the PGC, his guilt was established and a sentence was issued.
1) AoA is to be disbanded immediatly
2) Public apology to the members of the PGC
3) Permanently banned from ever sitting on the PGC

HEADLINES for May 26th, 1998

PGC - Pacific Guilds Coalition is formed
Report by JetStar, GuildMaster

The signing ceremony conducted at Lord British's Castle was a great success. The X-Lords cam out in full force, showing impressive numbers and organization. A group of ranking KGB officers as well as a group of CSKY all witness their leaders making a pact that would create the largest guild coalition on record. Later at the first meeting it was decided that each guild would have a attending group of three members for the weekly meetings held on Sunday's at 9:00 pm Pacific time. A democratic form of voting on topics was adopted and a unanimous vote is required to pass an issue and or add members.

It is my opinion that the formation of this coalition is the primary reason for the formation of the anti KGB group called the Rebellion. During the first meeting, PGC allies agreed to assist KGB in its fight against this Evil coalition. you can read more about this and current events in the stories that follow. Welcome PGC to the KGB's ever growing list of Allies.

The Pacific Guilds Coalition


A "Rebellion" of Guilds forms against the KGB
Report by JetStar, GuildMaster

A movement is underway by AoA to destroy KGB.
It is called "The Rebellion" and as of today it now has 7 guilds.
On Saturday it had 4 guilds. As part of this movement, they are spreading slanderous comments, making dishonorable stories, and I have even heard of having Mules pose as KGB and commit evil acts. Other guilds that have been persuaded to and are are expected to join the movement; or otherwise act independently against you. We do not know the names of all of these guilds but some are: AoA, Minions of Death (MoD), LoA, Blood Knights, Care Bears and CD are going of course to declare war on KGB also. This masterful setup was dreamed up and executed by AoA himself. Lets talk about some of the lies and misleading points to watch out for.

(1) The KGB does not control the new PGC Coalition. It is a democracy and all members guilds have an equal voice.

(2) The PGC is a "Good" aligned coalition, it does not mean that they will be adopting KGB's hard line Anti-PK policy, nor will the Coalition be considered Anti or PKK.

(3) KGB has full support of all, I repeat "ALL" of its Allies in this matter. This could turn into a giant shardwide war.

(4) Judge for yourself. Ask our Allies, ask our friends. I and our membership have spent countless hours recording the History of KGB, both in my Journal and in the KGB Sentinel and Sentinel Archives. I ask you all before you judge, go back and read the struggles our guild has been through, then make your judgement. If you treat your brother well, then consider us your brother. (Link to archives and info below).

If War is the answer, then so be it. We will fight and we will win, as our Allies and the world is behind us. All those who have been betrayed and PKed, they are our brothers, and that makes the majority of our worlds population.

The Fallen Lords and KGB come to terms
The Fallen Lords resign from the "Rebellion".
Report by
JetStar, GuildMaster

After 72 hours of mud slinging on the X-Lords message board, and the withdraw of a membership application from Existence By Proxy, a last ditch meeting was scheduled between GM JetStar and FL GM Lord Dracus. Terms of peace with the KGB were laid out and Lord Dracus and the Fallen Lords agreed to them. Here are the terms of the agreement.

1) on Wednesday, May 27th, 1998 at 11:59pm hostilities between FL and KGB will cease
2) Both sides agree not to use bugs, house break or other conduct considered by the general public to be "Lame"
3) Both sides will not engage in Murder of innocents, and or random Player killing
4) Both sides will not publish accounts of violation of this agreement without documented proof (A screen shot). The PGC Council may be choosen to review this information and help to determine wrong doing.
5) As long as both sides comply with this agreement, the FL and KGB will officially be involved in a non-agression pact with the other.

We will be responsible for policing this agreement. It is important to be armed with a screen shot if you as a KGB member see any of the terms of this agreement being violated.

KGB and the PGC Declare WAR
Against the remaining members of the Rebellion
Report by
JetStar, GuildMaster

Per Article II, Section 5, Clause 7 of the KGB Constitution, I, JetStar as GuildMaster and representative of the Knights of Glory and Beer, declare that a state of WAR exists with the KGB and the following Guilds.

AoA, Black Coven, Minions of Death (MoD), LoA, Blood Knights, Care Bears, and CD

Contact your Military Commanders about offensive actions.

HEADLINES for May 24th, 1998

The PGC and KGB
The Pacific Guild Coalition is here, but KGB morals are too.
Report by
JetStar, GuildMaster

Monday at 7:00pm Pacific Time, I will sign the PGC accord in behalf of KGB. This is a new kind of pact between the KGB, X-Lords, and CSKY. It will form the largest alliance and the most powerful group on Pacific Shard. I know some of you are concerned about mutual Allies and how we can fit into this group. I would like to assure you all, that as your leader, and representative of your personal feelings, I will be very vocal. We will never be involved in an operation that comprimises our mission or our moral code. I posted the following on the X-Lords message board about the KGB an our strick moral code.

Hello all, I have read most all of the posts here over the last few days and wanted to speak to you all in behalf of the KGB. As GuildMaster, I represent a close knit group of people who all came together for a common cause. Despite what you hear, KGB represents the Anti cause in its purest form. All of us were newbies once and all of us were humiliated, laughed at, taken advantage of, treated like fools. We have come togther, and formed a formidable force, not the best, but the purest. I respect many in this world, many of them my enemies. I have never personally never cheated, never used a bug, I still use my original character from day one of the charter. The KGB does not PK, noto PK, use bugs to break in houses, kill or harrass innocents. I have been forced recently to expell members that have violated the code we take so seriously. The point of this message is, as we merge our moral code into a coalition, are all in different positions on the moral spectrum. I respect Dracus, the Fallen Lords are a very formidable opponent. We are at war with Fallen Lords for one reason and one reason only, the fact that they have, taken to killing innocents randomly. Fallen Lords is was one of the largest groups on pacific, Dracus is an honorable leader, but the nature of the ego of a person that kills an innocent for his own personal benifit, is exactly the Evil that KGB has sworn to ride the world of. I must go before my guild, they run it just as much as I do, I must represent their unfouling moral code and ideals. When a group or guild decides they want no more of lamers, spammers, cheaters, bug users, murderers, and all the things that make our world a bad place to be, the KGB would welcome them to our cause and treat them as brothers. Its a big commitment, and the war will never end, as you know, it is filled with those who would see others in pain, those who would mistreat their brother. The KGB will continue to serve the innocents and those who share our cause until the day comes when Evil knows it is not welcome on our world.

I make a personal bid to Lord Dracus, look at the evil around you, look at the countless people, the role players, that have left this world because of the type of person I mentioned above. Denounce Evil once and for all, and join us in our victory..

JetStar, KGB GuildMaster

HEADLINES for May 20th, 1998

KGB Assists X-Lords
Report by JetStar, GuildMaster (Guildis Masterus)

A distress call came in from a small group of X-Lords that were ambushed by Imperial Lords. At that time about 15 KGB officers and friends were on a PKK sweep of the Orc Fort and Shame. We responded quickly and decisively
IL GuildMaster SirKnight Slaughtered

Chalk up a solo kill for JetStar

KGB Attacks!
The KGB force received zero casualties. KGB and its Allies scored more kills than they could count. Then an interesting turn of events. The X-Lords called upon the services of the Fallen Lords to assist them also. The Fallen arrived some time after the KGB. During the battle, I saw the Fallen approaching from the east. We had no idea that they were coming to assist the X-Lords, and the KGB is still at a state of war with the Fallen. We attacked a surprised Fallen Lords guild who was told not to attack us. I was aware of at least 4 FL's that were killed by KGB. As soon as we realized what we were doing we quickly recalled. Overall a sloppy victory for the KGB and its Allies!

KGB Members and Officers recognized for exemplary service to the Guild

Please note! There are some of you that may be expecting awards that have not been published. Please E-Mail your requests as ICQ's get overlooked too easy! E-Mail Please!

Manfred Carstein, Page
KGB 1st Division (Black Knights) 3rd Cavelry Platoon
Order of the KGB Award

Brother Annul, Paladin
Order of the KGB Award

Thorn WolfBane, Prime Minister
Order of the KGB Award

HEADLINES for May 16th, 1998

KGB Military on the move
Report by Ardath, Warlord (Commander, KGB Armed Forces)

Several PK Ghosts were dismayed to discover that the KGB Military is on the move again. Last night, at approximately 10pm, Knight Commander Raider held his first formal hunt. Guild participation was fantastic. Guild members present for the hunt included: Warlord Ardath, Knight Commander Raider, Knight Commander Kenwood, Knight Arginal, Knight Quann, GSS member Ebon, Page Kaidin, and Member Oyabun.  In addition, a number of guests were invited by the members to join the fray including Lord Mantis, Yupa, Cygnus X One, Lady Kristabel, Ricktar III, and Belial.
The first stop on the hunt circuit was the Orc Fort, where the group encountered a massive spawn of monsters. A battle ensued with orcs, orclords, orc mages, several liches, two daemons and three lich lords. The fighting was fast and furious and arrows, spell incantations, and screams of pain and anguish filled the air. Although there were four casualties, the hunting group was victorious, and within moments everyone was resurrected and all lost equipment recovered and returned to its rightful owners.
After securing the orc fort, the group moved on to the chaos shrine where they encountered their first PK Target. Moments later Dread Lord Gravedigger lay dead on the ground. The hunters split into three units and scouted the area around the Chaos Shrine. Warlord Ardath and Knight Commander Kenwood's group encountered Dread Lord Sauron who barely managed to recall after suffering grievous injuries. As
the groups moved north west of the chaos shrine, they stopped to help one of Dread Lords Sauron's victims.  The victim was quickly resurrected, healed and sent happily on her way.
After regrouping at the chaos shrine, the group set out for Despise. On the way they encountered three Dread Lords.  Dread Lord Ruby was instantly decimated by a rain of energy bolts. The other two who quickly realized that discretion is the better part of valor and recalled with what little life they still possessed. Upon entering Despise, GSS member Ebon went scouting (as spies often do). As luck would have it he came across a lone PK, the Dread Lord Kamikaze, and quickly dispatched him.  Score one for the GSS. The group walked through Despise killing every monster in sight. But, alas, no further PKs were to be found. So the group headed back to Trinsic and parted company after some fond words from Warlord Ardath and Knight Commander Raider. Everyone seemed to have had a fantastic time, though GSS member Ebon complained bitterly that there weren't enough PKs to go around. Special commendations to GSS member Ebon for his sole kill of Dread Lord Kamikaze and to Page Kaidin, who, at considerable risk to himself, single handedly attacked and killed… a llama.

KGB Members and Officers recognized for exemplary service to the Guild

Spinal, Knight
The KGB High Council Guild Service Medal
The KGB Service Medal
Awarded for his part in the Tower defense of May 9th against ACF (Former RWTD). This KGB officer helped to defend the entrance against the enemy while covering the floor to prevent enemy logouts. This officers brave service was recognized by the High Council.

Brother Stoney, Paladin
The Quartly Service Award
For his Second Quarter of Service.

HEADLINES for May 14th, 1998

KGB Tratior Killed
Ranma of Sol was caught with his pants down (Literally)
Report by Darksun, Page (Black Knights 3rd Cavelry Platoon)

Last night (5-11-98) I decided to sit outside of Trinsic front gates, in the area known as newbie hell. I was intending on using an Energy Vortex to kill Lord Topher, to repay his kind generosity of giving me one to play with ealier that evening. While hiding and waiting for a good opportunity, I spied Ranma of SoL go into a tent and hide, obviously if he was doing that he must be intending to log out, so I decide to warm his day with a few Fire Field spells, which perchance just happen to send him to that cold beyond. After gathering my rewards for my efforts I decided to make a painting (screen shot) so as to remember this fine moment. The truly humorous part of this incedent, is that when I gave the traitor his just dues, it appears that he was not logging out, but instead sitting on the shitter! This sketch was given To the High Council via Katrina.

A short time later, while talking to Ryoga of SoL, he informed me that Ranma wished to speak with me to try and get his gear back, being the kind individual I am I agreed to sell it to him for 10,000 gold, After all we had been traveling companions for over 3 months. When I spoke with Ranma of SoL, he expressed how dishonorable it was to Fire Field him while on the shitter, and frankly I have to agree. He may be a dishonorable low life traitor, but myself, on the other hand, am not. So in order to rectify the situation we met in a duel later that night, this duel was held at the Shrine of Justice, I felt this most fitting. The duel started promptly at 11:30pm pacific time and lasted for about 10 minutes, due to the fact we both thought it wise to bring an excessive amount of greater heal potions. The battle was started by Ranma of SoL casting a magic arrow upon me and initiating the attack. When you see him you may notice he is currently dishonorable by title, as well as by nature. Many great magics where exchanged between us but to no avail, for we both where prompt with our potions and protective magics, the true battle insued when we became depleted of mana. Ranma wielded his mighty bardiche of might against me, this weapon being enchanted to be surpassingly accurate against ones foes, I wielded my trusted heavy crossbow of supreme accuracy. We spent much time in this confrontation, him chasing me to get within striking distance, me evading that lethal weapon of destruction, only for the traitor to die a just death as my bolt struck true, the black heart of my enemy.

As before, I felt a sketch of the duel would be most fitting, so I proceeded to sketch many pictures of the battle. And as agreed as a term of the duel, Ranma of SoL, removed the head from his corpse and presented it to me, the victor of this trial by combat.

KGB Forum Closed as Offical Site
Recent enemy infiltration forces closure
Created by Brother Atticus (Who is currently MIA) this site served as the primary meeting place of KGB to discuss the issues with our guildmates and friends. It served us well until a recent security breech and the inability to change passwords. High Council Chair Katrina has worked hard on the new Members Meeting Hall. It is fully secure and offers many new features. Non-Members should talk to GuildMaster JetStar about assess to this new section. Members who do not yet have a login should contact CHC Katrina and request access. I hope this new Meeting Hall will open a new level of communication between KGB members, Allies and governing branches. Please see the link from the KGB main page.


KGB Members and Officers recognized for exemplary service to the Guild

DarkGuard, Knight
KGB 1st Division (Black Knights) 1st Infantry Platoon
The KGB High Council Guild Service Medal
The KGB Service Medal
Awarded for his part in the Tower defense of May 9th against ACF (Former RWTD). This KGB officer helped to defend the entrance against the enemy while covering the floor to prevent enemy logouts. This officers brave service was recognized by the High Council.

Katrina, CHC
Chairperson of the KGB High Council
The KGB High Council Guild Service Medal
GuildMasters Golden Cross
For the creation of the new KGB Meeting Hall.

Darksun, Page
KGB 1st Division (Black Knights) 3rd Cavelry Platoon
The KGB Distinguished Service Cross
The KGB High Council Guild Service Medal
The KGB Service Medal
The KGB Distinguished Service Cross was awarded for Darksuns victories over a bountied traitor. He was also awarded for his part in the Tower defense of May 9th against ACF (Former RWTD). This KGB officer helped to defend the entrance against the enemy while covering the floor to prevent enemy logouts. This officers brave service was recognized by the High Council.

Manfred Carstein, Page
KGB 1st Division (Black Knights) 3rd Cavelry Platoon
The KGB High Council Guild Service Medal
The KGB Service Medal
Awarded for his part in the Tower defense of May 9th against ACF (Former RWTD). This KGB officer helped to defend the entrance against the enemy while covering the floor to prevent enemy logouts. This officers brave service was recognized by the High Council.

Mordrek Carstein, Page
KGB 1st Division (Black Knights) 3rd Cavelry Platoon
The KGB High Council Guild Service Medal
The KGB Service Medal
Awarded for his part in the Tower defense of May 9th against ACF (Former RWTD). This KGB officer helped to defend the entrance against the enemy while covering the floor to prevent enemy logouts. This officers brave service was recognized by the High Council.

Llywelyn of Yew, Knight
KGB 1st Division (Black Knights) 3rd Cavelry Platoon
The KGB High Council Guild Service Medal
The KGB Service Medal
Awarded for his part in the Tower defense of May 9th against ACF (Former RWTD). This KGB officer helped to defend the entrance against the enemy while covering the floor to prevent enemy logouts. This officers brave service was recognized by the High Council.

Arginal, Knight
KGB 1st Division (Black Knights) 1st Infantry Platoon
The KGB High Council Guild Service Medal
The KGB Service Medal
Awarded for his part in the Tower defense of May 9th against ACF (Former RWTD). This KGB officer helped to defend the entrance against the enemy while covering the floor to prevent enemy logouts. This officers brave service was recognized by the High Council.

Brother Aror, Paladin
The KGB High Council Guild Service Medal
The KGB Service Medal
Awarded for his part in the Tower defense of May 9th against ACF (Former RWTD). This KGB officer helped to defend the entrance against the enemy while covering the floor to prevent enemy logouts. This officers brave service was recognized by the High Council.

Brother Annul, Paladin
The KGB High Council Guild Service Medal
The KGB Service Medal
Order of the KGB Award
Awarded for his part in the Tower defense of May 9th against ACF (Former RWTD). This KGB officer helped to defend the entrance against the enemy while covering the floor to prevent enemy logouts. This officers brave service was recognized by the High Council. Brother Annul also achieved his 140th Kill.

HEADLINES for May 9th, 1998

Former KGB Member Guilty of Treason
KGB HeadQuarters Tower infiltrated after Ranma of Sol gives into PKers
A bounty was placed on Ranma of Sol's head today by GuildMaster JetStar. It appears that Ranma requested access to the HQ tower to store items, then after being left alone he called in his PK friends and allowed them to loot and logout inside. Passwords to the KGB members only section were also released. KGB High Council Chair, Katrina is busy at work creating a new and secure Message server. We will keep you updated as to when this will be complete.

The KGB Distinguished Service Cross will be awarded to members for documented kills of former member Ranma. Avenge our tower, avenge our guild, show Ranma how you feel about his betrayal.

KGB shine in battle

Brother Aror, Paladin
GuildMasters Golden Cross
Golden Order of the KGB Award
Order of the KGB Award
Brother Aror achieved his 100th kill, turning in 50 documented kills all at once. As the second one to achieve this milestone, he received Golden Order of the KGB award. He was also awarded the GuildMasters Golden Cross, and his 5 Order of the KGB awards. Keep up the good work Aror and congratulations

Manfred Carstein, Page
KGB Silver Star
Manfred was involved in a decisive raid on Purple Horde. While on his regular PKK rounds, Manfred ran across a member of Purple Horde. He bravely attacked immediately. After a long chase, Manfred was able to extinguish this PH Dread and then followed his ghost to the Purple Horde Headquarters tower. He and members of the Allied X-Lords attacked Purple Horde members as they arrived from all over the world. Manfreds group happened to kill a Purple Horde member carrying the tower keys. After opening the tower Manfred and friends turned the place upside down and looted it dry.
High Lord Speed contacted GuildMaster JetStar today begging for the return of his tower keys. He said if they were not returned, he would be leaving UO. Here is an example of a member of KGB driving our enemies from the Pacific Shard using his strength and combat skills only, exactly by the book. Congratulations Manfred.

Ardath, KGB Warlord 3rd Circle
Order of the KGB
After weeks of paper work and administrative responsibilities, General Ardath is finally getting back to hunting evil and the things he likes best. Welcome back General.....

KGB Sentinel Font and Color Changes
Darker Colors and Standard Fonts Make KGB Sentinel easier to read
The KGB Sentinel will now use new colors. This Gray should be easier to read than the bright yellow. Please send if your comments regarding these new changes.


MEMBERS! Contact Warlord Ardath about how you can best serve your guild

If you have not yet received a Military rank, this is the time to sign up. Contact KGB Warlord Ardath. Now is the time to become a Knight and serve your guild. As you know, the GuildWars patch is coming soon. We will need to have our forces in tip top shape for this giant change in the way the game is played!

There will be opportunities for everyone in the new system. Join us today!

HEADLINES for May 6th, 1998

GuildMaster JetStar said " It has been my pleasure to have served with Brother Annul for the past 6 months. Annul is truly the "Ace" of the KGB with his huge number of victories, and his willingness to help others. I know I speak for the Guild when I say thank you Annul." There will be a Medal of Honor ceremony. Date and time will be posted tomorrow.

100 Documented Victories
Decorated 18 Times
First Member to receive the KGB's highest honor, The KGB High Council Medal of Honor

The KGB High Council Medal of Honor

This Medal is the KGB's highest honor. It is bestowed on an individual by proposition and vote by the KGB High Council. Recipients of the Medal are certainly among the elite of Britannia. A Candidate must show amazing, almost impossible skill, ability and bravery in a COMBAT situation. Only in the rarest of occasions does the Council consider this award. Recipients of this medal may wear gold gloves as part of their uniform.

Golden Order of the KGB Award

To join the ranks of the Golden Order of the KGB, a soldier must present 100 documented kills (Screen Shot Required) of criminals that have been determined enemies of the KGB. You are not limited to one award. You may receive 1 per 100 documented kills.

Brother Annul

HEADLINES for May 5th, 1998


Knight Commander Raider, Knight Quann, High Knight Kenwood, Paladin Annul, Warlord Ardath, and Guildmaster Jetstar arrived at X-Lords GuildMaster FK's former residence to stand guard as the X-Lords assisted him in cleaning out his Castle. X-Lord's GuildMaster FK stated that a bug was used to get his keys. Soon after this incident X-Lords Allies arrived to help stand guard before Instinct and his crew could loot anything. You can see GM FK is the picture at left with KGB GuildMaster JetStar mounted near the bottom. Paladin Brother Annul is standing just under the title sign watching for Instinct and his clan. GM FK vowed revenge, and knowing the X-Lords I think someone is in big, big trouble.



Item 1) All admissions to KGB will be handled by a special members only message board (until created, use Members Board). After it is determined that the Candidate has a sponcer, the Candidate should go to the Join KGB page and fill out the electronic application completely. The GM would then confirm the sponsorship and post a message on the Members Only board, their applications would become the body of the message. All persons who have had interactions with the character should post the information as a reply to the application message. KGB will then have the input from all members who know something about the candidate. Applicants without support will be recognized as well as those with negative support.

Item 2) Member Candidates must have at least one combat skill in the 90's and one in the 60's. The Candidate must pay the 5k fee and demonstrate earning proficiently regardless of his combat prowess.

Item 3) The Sponsoring Member takes full responsibility for the performance of the Member Candidate. The sponsoring member will suffer identical punishment given to the sponsored member for infractions against regulations for a period of 30 days after admission of the candidate.

Item 4) The applicants approval or rejection shall be delayed for 5 days to allow all who wish to post replies to the application time to do so.

Item 5) After the 5 day period the Guildmaster shall post a final approval message on the candidates message thread. This shall be done prior to stone matriculation, thus ensuring all KGB that the messages have been heard, and all had a chance to voice their opinion. Final admission into KGB requires HC majority vote and GM approval.

HEADLINES for May 4th, 1998

Early in the morning on May 3rd, while hunting members of the CD Guild (Murderers) near the Britain crossroads, GuildMaster JetStar stopped to talk to a Counselor who seemed to be following the CD members. GuildMaster Mungo II and his companion and former KGB Member Lady Sky of the Sodalitis Guild (KGB Allies) were assisting JetStar in disrupting a organized CD assault on innocents passing the crossroads. After we ran off the murderers we stopped to talk to the Counselor that seemed to be following them. After asking several questions, the debate over murdering innocents came up. In the picture at left you see GuildMaster JetStar in the blue cape, Lady Sky mounted in the green cape, and mounted next to her is GuildMaster Mungo. During our conversation the Counselor admitted an affiliation with the CD guild and explained he is a mule for them with his real character (I wonder what he was doing following these murderers so closely?). After explaining his affiliation with CD a unknown mage sicked a Daemon on the Counselor (Which was appropriate). GuildMaster challenged the Counselors opinion, stating the values of the KGB and repeatedly asked how he could involve himself with murder. It seems ironic that you could help people at one time (Counseling) and help to murder another (his affiliation with known murderers). GuildMaster JetStar said "I feel that you murder or you don't. There is no in between. This trend in reformed murderers is a joke. People who have taken part in the murder of innocents are just that, murderers. You can't just be nice for a week and claim to be innocent. It is the goal of KGB to make life so hard for these criminals, that they leave our shard. We will not stop until evil has been vanquished".


Ryoga of SOL was placed on suspension as GuildMaster JetStar reviewed his involvement in a incident with two other members of KGB. Ryoga was accused of two counts.
Count one was the deletion of another members characters. Because this account belongs to Ryoga, he was cleared of all wrong doing in this accusation.
Count two was the unprovoked attack of 2 members of KGB and the murder of a members horse. After reviewing the testimony of all involved parties, GuildMaster JetStar determined that this was unacceptable behavior for a new member. The original order to expel Ryoga was upheld.

In an attempt to curb future problems regarding new members, GuildMaster JetStar has proposed a new position replacing the current position of Squire Captain. Please read about it in the Members Only page.


In a small ceremony at the theater in Britain, the KGB and The Guards of Virtue and Honor affirmed their vows as Allies. This latest Alliance is part of Foreign Minister Randal Floyd's effort to form a large group of aligned guilds with the same ideals. As you all know, the upcoming GuildWars era is approaching. It will be of the utmost importance to have the support of as many strong Allies as possible. We welcome GVH to our ever growing group of friends.







In an attempt to get a picture of the entire guild in one spot, GuildMaster JetStar got some of KGB membership together to take the picture at left. Soon another attempt will be made to get everyone in the same frame. Only 13 of the 45 members of KGB were able to make it. Watch for a re-scheduled date and time for retakes.


HEADLINES for April 30th, 1998


This problem will be corrected as soon as possible...




Golden Order of the KGB Award

To join the ranks of the Golden Order of the KGB, a soldier must present 100 documented kills (Screen Shot Required) of criminals that have been determined enemies of the KGB. You are not limited to one award. You may receive 1 per 100 documented kills.


Quarterly Service Medal

Members will receive the award for every three months of service to the guild. You must apply for this award to receive it. If you have served the KGB for three months or more, contact the GuildMaster.

HEADLINES for April 29th, 1998


Here is a slight preview of the new Military structure and ranking system. Ranks will be base on performance and achievement. There are many more ranks and lots of room for advancement. The new system is to employ a more organized and motivated Division / Platoon system. Now is the time to sign up! We are also looking for some fresh blood. Under the current system, you can have a General or First Knight sponcer a new member. We are looking for a few good people!... Stay tuned!

HEADLINES for April 26th, 1998


On Saturday May 2nd, the KGB will be having a guild meeting on the Pacific Shard. The official meeting time is 11:00pm Pacific at a yet to be disclosed location. Guild Pictures will be taken at two seperate times on Saturday. For those of you morning people, 11:00am. For those of you night people 10:30pm. This is your big chance for a "Class" picture of our guild. These pictures will be combined and saved in the permanent KGB Archives. We could go on a group hunt or other activities. If you have any ideas for other activities, send them to GuildMaster JetStar. Hope to see you all there!!

GSS Officer Suspended by GM JetStar
After being placed in jail by a OSI GameMaster, GuildMaster JetStar Placed GSS Agent Fjaddkfh the Bad on one week suspension. Fjaddkfh was a party to charging a toll to enter the Occlo Mage shop. This conduct is not acceptable. Fjadkfh was honest about what happened in a short interview with GM JetStar, and was only sentenced to one week suspension.

HEADLINES for April 26th, 1998


MEMBERS! Contact General Ardath about how you can best serve your guild

If you have not yet received a Military rank, this is the time to sign up. Candles have been burning late in the newly formed Armed Forces Joint Chiefs of Staff offices. (CJCS) 3 Star General Ardath asked GM JetStar to start general recruitment. Now is the time to become a Knight and serve your guild. As you know, the GuildWars patch is coming soon. We will need to have our forces in tip top shape for this giant change in the way the game is played! The JCS has been working all week on the new and improved military structure. Contact General Ardath about where you may best fit in.

After the JCS has completed the new system, all the new information will be posted here. Keep checking here for the update. There will be opportunities for everyone in the new system. Join us today!

Watch for the new Paladin Uniform
Our Paladins are relentless! Everyday turning more and more documented PKK's. More and more PKers are turning good to avoid the wrath of the great KGB. Now with over 150 combined documented kills, the Paladins continue to show evil what the KGB is all about. Congratulations Paladins!
Brother Annul
Brother Atticus
Brother Sto
Brother Psycho
Brother Aror

Order of the KGB

Awarded to the KGB Paladin Aror His fourth and fifth Order Award and 50th Documented Kill
Awarded to the
KGB Paladin Annul His sixth Order Award and 60th Documented Kill

To join the ranks of the Order of the KGB, a soldier must present 10 documented kills (Screen Shot Required) of criminals that have been determined enemies of the KGB. You are not limited to one award. You may receive 1 per 10 documented kills.

In order to be recognized for your contributions you must send in written reports to the GuildMaster of your adventures and victories. YOU WILL BE OVERLOOKED! if you do not send in this documentation about yourself or your comrades.

HEADLINES for April 22nd, 1998

High Council Membership Roster

High Council Chairperson Katrina
Prime Minister Thorn Wolfbane
Foreign Minister Randal Floyd
General Nathan Rahl
General Helmholtz
First Knight DarkGuard

Please welcome your new Council! If you have any proposals or ideas, just speak to any of our HC members and your idea will be posted for review in the High Council Forum. Meetings are Wednesdays at 9:00pm.

The following Award was issued by the KGB GuildMaster and CIC

The KGB GuildMasters Golden Cross

Awarded to Knight Captain Steel for his contributions to the KGB and authoring the KGB Tactics Page
This Medal is bestowed on an individual by the GuildMaster himself. It is a way for the top ranking officer to recognize individuals for exemplary service to him and to the Guild.

HEADLINES for April 20th, 1998

First round of promotions announced

First Knight Helmholtz has been promoted to the rank of General (G1) reporting to (CJCS) (G3) General Ardath. General Helmholtz now joins the newly formed KGB Joint Chiefs of Staff. Please join the guild in congratulating GENERAL HELMHOLTZ!


First Knight Nathan Rahl has been promoted to the rank of General (G1) reporting to (CJCS) (G3) General Ardath. General Rahl has also been chosen to serve on the KGB High Council. Along with his new seat on the High Council, General Rahl now joins the newly formed KGB Joint Chiefs of Staff. Please join the guild in congratulating GENERAL NATHAN RAHL!

KGB's newest members are starting to make their presence felt. After a short training period our newest members are beginning to join the hunt. In these days before the sweeping changes coming to our world, PKers are hard to find as they increase their notoriety in preparation for Guild combat and the new notoriety system. It is a great time for our young members to get aquatinted with our system.

A message to new members: Be sure to check the State of the KGB page and the KGB Sentinel daily for important combat related information.




HEADLINES for April 18th, 1998

(CIC) (G5) General JetStar announces sweeping changes in the Military Structure.

All members of the KGB Armed forces will now be combined in to a single unit until further notice. The CIC and CJCS will be restructuring the Military units over the coming week. Also, several new positions will be created immediately.
Chairman of the KGB Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Chairman of the KGB Joint Chiefs of Staff will be the ranking Military Officer under the CIC. He is ultimately in control of all Armed Forces (Paladins Excluded) He will report to the GuildMaster weekly about Status and assist with decision and policy making for the military. The CJCS is a position created in the KGB Tanarus and must be of the minimum rank of 3 Star General.
KGB Joint Chief of Staff
All members of the Armed Forces that achieve the rank of general will automatically join the JCS. This group of highest ranking KGB officers will meet to discuss tactics, and war strategy. They will also vote and recommend Officer promotions and awards.

Some of the KGB's finest have taken the ultimate step in the art of war. Leaving their ranks and titles behind, they have sworn their lives to the art of combat. Creating a new order in the KGB, these men have chosen the path of the Paladin. KGB's Paladins known as The Paladins of Glory and Beer are an elite force of warriors focusing only on the ancient art of combat. The will not be distracted with Guild Politics. Combat is their religion, and new techniques and fighting evil will be their focus.
Out of respect for this new order, it is forbidden to request to join this order. If you are to be a Paladin, you will be approached. Only the Paladins know when the time is right for you to become one. One should always show respect toward these deciples of war, as they represent combat in its purest form.

Veteran Officers Become KGB's First Paladins
Some of KGB's best find their calling as Paladins

Paladin is a new order of KGB. They do not fall under Military rule, they are the spiritual branch of the KGB. Our Paladin brothers report to the GuildMaster and focus on one thing and one thing only, the art of War. Leaving their ranks and titles behind, they have sworn their lives to the art of combat. Creating a new order in the KGB, these men have been chosen to follow the path of the Paladin. The will not be distracted with Guild Politics. Combat is their religion, and new techniques and fighting evil will be their focus.
Out of respect for this new order, it is forbidden to request to join. If you are to be a Paladin, you will be approached. Only the Paladins know when the time is right for you to become one. One should always show respect toward these deciples of war, as they represent combat in its purest form.

The Paladins of Glory and Beer

Brother Annul
Brother Atticus
Brother Sto
Brother Psycho
Brother Aror
These Men have given up their Rank and Positions and are now on to be referred to only as Paladins.

General Ardath named as CJCS
Former 4th Infantry Division Commander 1 Star General Ardath named as Chairman of the KGB Joint Chiefs of Staff. General Ardath also receives a two step promotion to 3 Star General. Please join us in congratulating General Ardath in his new position.



HEADLINES for April 17th, 1998

I have received messages about the bland content of the KGB News lately, Please excuse this brief lull in interesting stories and pictures. Things will soon return to normal.

IM sure many of you can tell from the actions of the last few days that major changes in our Guild are afoot. I ask all of you for your patience in the next few days as we chart a course for the future of our Guild. We are in a period of transition, as the World of UO ages, many have lost interest, and some just need a change. I pledge to you all that I will do my best to keep our Guild moving in the right direction. I have received many messages from our membership pledging you loyalty to the KGB and you enthusiasm for the future. I hope in the next few days to replot our course and to someday achieve the ultimate goal of the distruction of Evil on our shard.

The following Awards were issued by the KGB GuildMaster and CIC

Order of the KGB

Awarded to General Annul His Fifth Order Award and 50th Ducumented Kill, making him the true ace of the KGB. Congratulations General!

To join the ranks of the Order of the KGB, a soldier must present 10 documented kills (Screen Shot Required) of criminals that have been determined enemies of the KGB. You are not limited to one award. You may receive 1 per 10 documented kills.

In order to be recognized for your contributions you must send in written reports to the GuildMaster of your adventures and victories. YOU WILL BE OVERLOOKED! if you do not send in this documentation about yourself or your commrads.

HEADLINES for April 15th, 1998

By GuildMaster JetStar

I wanted to talk about my performance as GuildMaster. After speaking with many of you I have come to the realization that my performance has been poor at best. Please take the time to read the CHANGES IN THE KGB article below. I have attempted to make immediate changes to curb what was and still may be a mass exidus from the KGB. I feel I have lost touch with the membership of the guild. I would first like to apologize for my lack of insight and for not being able to take the pulse of the Guild. There are several issues that have been brought to my attention that I would like to address:

(1) The Guild is getting too large, too many new members not enough focus on existing members or issues. Quality not quanity.
In the CHANGES IN THE KGB news article below, I have frozen new membership and made the membership process much more difficult, expensive and time consuming. Please take time to read it. I agree wit hthe Quality not quanity idea, I am currently in the process of trying (with all of your help) to iron the kinks out of out guild.

(2) Rescue Missions, PK hunts, JetStar's constant spamming for asistance, JetStar's rude all caps messages at all hours of the night that have caused us to place our GuildMaster on the ICQ Ignore list.
In the CHANGES IN THE KGB news article below, I have again attempted to curb this by the new policy I implemented regarding Emergencies only. I do apologize for my spamming, I see now it is rude, and understand your feelings about the same people getting in trouble over and over. Many of you have never requested rescue and have gone out on rescue missions many times. I assure you, If I contact you in the near future it will be a real emergency. I guess I got a little obsessed with trying to rescue everyone that asked...

(3) Important Guild Information not included in Sentinel News, everyone seems to be the last to know of something, what is our status with other guilds and conflicts with other guilds.
I will be implementing a new section on the KGB Website in the next 24 hours. It will be called the Member Information System. It will consist of all agreements, treaties, alliances, deals, cease fires, and general policies. It will be updated every 24 hours. Please look to this new section for current Guild Status.

(4) GuildMaster JetStar authorizing the use of Bugs to some members, GuildMaster going against Guild Policy.
I wat to clear this issue up once and for all. I was informed by a ranking KGB officer that their unit was a party to a break in. This break in was made by using what I would consider a bug. This Ranking officer informed me of what happened and presented himself for punnishment. I told them that no diciplinary action would be taken as long as it did not occure again. An agreement was made and to my knowledge it has not occured. Bug using in my eyes is like random PKing, no matter what OSI's view of it is, we will not take part in it. Because I did not choose to dicipline these officers does not mean I condoned the use of bugs.

(5) Resturcturing of the Military as the Division and Platoon system has miserably failed.
I want your input!! Share your ideas with me.

Thank you all for your time and consideration..

GM JetStar


Changes in Guild Policies are defined below, All Guild Members should ICQ the Guildmaster after this article has been read and understood.

Due to overwhelming demand by veteran KGB members, General Recruitment has been frozen. Only new member candidates sponsored by at least 2 First Knights, Generals, or Exec Cabinet members will be accepted for the review process. Perspective members under this new system must have the approval of the GM, PM, FM, CHC, MGSS and all Generals. This process could take up to two weeks. In addition, the sponsors s will be responsible for the candidates actions and training for a probation period of two weeks. Only after all these items are completed may a candidate become an official member. Also, there is a 5000 Gold entrance fee that must be paid by the candidate upon acceptance to the guild. The following are minimum requirements for perspective candidates:

Must have the skill level of 90 in at least 2 combat or magic related skills.

Must be of Neutral Alignment or greater.

Wartime guidelines were designed to ensure that Guild Members would ban together and reduce the need for rescue missions.
IF YOU ARE KILLED AND ARE NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH WARTIME PROCEDURES, NO RESCUE MISSION WILL BE MOUNTED TO SAVE YOU, DONT ASK! As rescue is part of what we do as a guild, the need for members to drop everything to rescue you should be greatly reduced.

IF YOU ARE IN COMPLIANCE, and require assistance, send a message to the GuildMaster via ICQ (Or ranking General or Cabinet member) Include the names of the 5 KGB members in your party and how you were killed (Monster or PK).

(1) Do not travel outside of Protection Zones without at least 5 members in your group
(2) Do not travel to Dungeons without at least 10 members in your group
(3) Search and Destroy Missions will be organized around the clock from on top of the Trinsic Bank 2
(4) REPORT TO YOUR COMMANDING GENERAL when online for assignments
(5) Tower Key entrance is not permitted with out 10 members present for sweeping area
(6) In Battle, take screen shots of kills and send in written accounts to receive AWARDS and PROMOTIONS
(7) SHARE INFORMATION via ICQ about location of PKers

Will be set up on a voluntary basis. If a situation exists where a possibility for an offensive against PKers arises, members will be ASKED to participate. You are not required to attend unless it is an Emergency situation. We intend to greatly reduce the number of Emergency situations that arise. Hopefully less than one per night. This should allow groups to work together, uninterrupted on what ever tasks or missions they choose. If you want to join other KGBers on a PK hunt, they will be constantly being formed on T2. If you go there and wait, you will surely find action. No more "All Members Please Respond" messages. If you do get one, it is an extreme emergency.

Out of respect for your fellow GuildMates, it is your job to be prepared to defend yourself when you adventure. DONT TAKE CHANCES, be organized have groups of at least 5 KGBers or smaller numbers of experienced veterans. You are now responsible for your own well being while adventuring. If you or your group require excessive rescue, you will be warned and your adventuring practices reviewed. I will be notifying out Allies of our new policies. I hope to increase the amount of free time you as a KGB GuildMember will have to enjoy the game or make money. We will be forming constant hunting parties from the top of T2 just about 24 hours per day.
From now on, I will only call on the guild in the case of extreme emergency, so if you hear it, please respond. Otherwise, lets continue on our quest to rid the land of the menace of PKers. Please feel free to contact GuildMaster JetStar if you have any questions or comments.

HEADLINES for April 13th, 1998

KGB and New Allied Guilds meet to discuss future
The beginnings of a new stronger alliance

Ranking KGB officers went to a Meeting hosted by the Sodalitis Guild on their private island. The KGB team poses in the picture above shortly before being transported to a secret location for the meeting. The meeting was a first step in a bigger plan to form a great Alliance of guilds with the same goals as KGB. A follow up meeting is being scheduled for this Saturday.

New Member Arginal recognized for Bravery
KGB Staff has received two reports about the actions of a new member. These reports were received after ARGINAL had been an official member for less than 24 hours. Thank you to those Members that wrote in. Congratulations Knight Arginal.

The KGB Service Medal

Awarded to Knight Arginal 4th Infantry Division

Soldiers that perform service over and above the call of duty in both COMBAT and NON-COMBAT situations. The Medal is a honor to receive. It is bestowed on an individual by the CIC in conjunction with the commanding General.

In order to be recognized for your contributions you must send in written reports to the GuildMaster of your adventures and victories. YOU WILL BE OVERLOOKED! if you do not send in this documentation about yourself or your commrads.

HEADLINES for April 9th, 1998

GuildMaster JetStar pays the price

Ignoring the Wartime guidelines, GuildMaster JetStar set out to Deceit with his finest equipment and with 100 of each reagent. As he approached the Skeleton room he stopped to look at the corpse of a player that had apparently been PKed. Dread Lord Alexander and Dread Lady Nemesis where waiting and attacked with a barage of spells. GM JetStar tried to recall and hide in vain. He was struck down and looted.

Dread Lady Nemesis sent in this picture along with comments about the KGB's tactics. GuildMaster JetStar said " There is only one reason that we are ever defeated in battle, its when we take chances and break the rules. I am guilty of this and last night was a harsh reminder that it is a dangerious world. The guidelines for wartime conduct were written for a reason, and they are to be followed. I for one will not break them again. Please review these guidelines again and follow them. There is no reason for us to be defeated with our strength in numbers, as long as we keep the advantage on our side. I salute the Dreads on a well executed attack, but hear my warning, and prepare to feel the relentless wrath of the KGB."

(1) Do not travel outside of Protection Zones without at least 5 members in your group
(2) Do not travel to Dungeons without at least 10 members in your group
(3) Search and Destroy Missions will be organized around the clock from on top of the Trinsic Bank 2
(4) REPORT TO YOUR COMMANDING GENERAL when online for assignments
(5) Tower Key entrance is not permitted with out 10 members present for sweeping area
(6) In Battle, take screen shots of kills and send in written accounts to receive AWARDS and PROMOTIONS
(7) SHARE INFORMATION via ICQ about location of PKers

The following Awards were issued by the KGB GuildMaster and CIC

Order of the KGB

Awarded to First Knight Aror His first and second Order Award and 20th Documented Kill

To join the ranks of the Order of the KGB, a soldier must present 10 documented kills (Screen Shot Required) of criminals that have been determined enemies of the KGB. You are not limited to one award. You may receive 1 per 10 documented kills.

In order to be recognized for your contributions you must send in written reports to the GuildMaster of your adventures and victories. YOU WILL BE OVERLOOKED! if you do not send in this documentation about yourself or your commrads.

HEADLINES for April 8th, 1998

The following Awards were issued by the KGB GuildMaster and CIC

Order of the KGB

Awarded to First Knight Havok His first Order Award and 10th Documented Kill
Awarded to
General Annul His forth Order Award and 40th Ducumented Kill

To join the ranks of the Order of the KGB, a soldier must present 10 documented kills (Screen Shot Required) of criminals that have been determined enemies of the KGB. You are not limited to one award. You may receive 1 per 10 documented kills.

In order to be recognized for your contributions you must send in written reports to the GuildMaster of your adventures and victories. YOU WILL BE OVERLOOKED! if you do not send in this documentation about yourself or your commrads.

HEADLINES for April 6th, 1998

KGB and Allies meet Dread Lord Challenge
By Prime Minister Thorn Wolfbane (Acting GuildMaster and CIC)

After hours of insults messaged to GuildMaster JetStar from Dread Lord Jyrath of Fallen Lords, a challenge was made by Jyrath. As GuildMaster JetStar was leaving on a trip to RL, Prime Minister Thorn Wolfbane was placed in charge of the KGB.
Unfortunately we had to call upon the people of Britannia to aid us in the PK battle that was scheduled to occur (mainly due to their large numbers that was being reported by General Jyrath).People began to gate into the Chaos Shrine without the charge order, so basically chaos broke out.Anti's began attacking as soon as they exited the gate and the great battle that was suppose to take place became a slaughter as only a fraction of the pk force thats was onsight were destroyed.The bright side of this as you can see from the picture that no DL guild should question the influence the KGB has. This is only one of two forces that attacked the chaos shrine and our numbers easily equaled 75+.As for the great battle that was not to be, I am saddened.It was not an honorable way to kill (chaos shrine became DL nightmare for most of the night as Anti's stuck around and continuously killed newly ressed DL's. The KGB is going stronger by the day as new blood is flowing in the form of hundreds of applications.
Once again DL's our numbers will only grow and so I conclude with your options:
(1) Leave the pacific shard for new game in other worlds
(2) Get used to large numbers of us killing you nightly.

After the huge force took and held the Choas shrine, OSI GM's felt sorry for the Dreads and created one of the largest Skel spawns ever seen.

Dread Lords pay a huge price
7 days a week, 24 hours a day, KGB hammers Dreads...

The following Awards were issued by the KGB GuildMaster and CIC

Order of the KGB

Awarded to General Ardath His second Order Award and 20th Documented Kill

To join the ranks of the Order of the KGB, a soldier must present 10 documented kills (Screen Shot Required) of criminals that have been determined enemies of the KGB. You are not limited to one award. You may receive 1 per 10 documented kills.

In order to be recognized for your contributions you must send in written reports to the GuildMaster of your adventures and victories. YOU WILL BE OVERLOOKED! if you do not send in this documentation about yourself or your commrads.


The KGB Distinguished Service Cross

Awarded to First Knight Helmholtz for bravery in battle

The Medal is a great honor to receive. It is bestowed on an individual by the CIC in conjunction with the commanding General. Soldiers that are especially innovative and stand out in their units are candidates to receive this award. It is awarded when a Service award just is not enough.

HEADLINES for April 2nd, 1998

The following Awards were issued by the KGB GuildMaster and CIC

Order of the KGB

Awarded to General Sto His first Order Award and 10th Documented Kill
Awarded to
General Annul His third Order Award and 30th Ducumented Kill

To join the ranks of the Order of the KGB, a soldier must present 10 documented kills (Screen Shot Required) of criminals that have been determined enemies of the KGB. You are not limited to one award. You may receive 1 per 10 documented kills.

In order to be recognized for your contributions you must send in written reports to the GuildMaster of your adventures and victories. YOU WILL BE OVERLOOKED! if you do not send in this documentation about yourself or your commrads.

After receiving his unpresidented 3rd Order of the KGB Award, General Annul passes General Ardath as KGB's most decorated (Active) officer. General Annul was recruited by Former KGB GuildMaster Drek sometime in late 1997. General Annul is a KGB High Council Member and was appointed to the rank of General by KGB GuildMaster JetStar. General Annul Leads the Guild with 30 documented kills. Please take time to review General Annul's fine war record.




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