Armed Forces
Overview / Ranks / Divisions / Structure /
Awards and Medals
Updated 05/30/2010
Structure |
The following document defines KGB's Armed Forces. Armed Forces are specific to each KGB FACTION and report to the FACTION LEADER (High Chancellor) in each gaming world / server. Information on KGB Faction Government can be found in the KGB Constitution, specifically the KGB Articles of Confederation located HERE.
Goals |
The Armed Forces of the Knights of Glory and Beer represent the teeth of enforcement of KGB policy and will. KGB Armed Forces have a long and proud history of up competitive greatness. The complex system below offers members of the Armed Forces a structured system based on recognition of bravery and greatness in the enforcement of the KGB code.
Enlistment |
All members of KGB are encouraged to enlist in the military. To qualify for enlistment, an applicant must be willing to dedicate all of their efforts to upholding the following oath:
I , having been appointed to the KGB Armed Forces under the conditions indicated in this document, do accept such appointment and do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the Knights of Glory and Beer (KGB) against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.
Rank Listings |
High Chancellor (Faction Leadership)
Chancellor (Faction Leadership)
Vice Chancellor (Faction Leadership)
Admiral of the Navy (A5 Naval Forces
Admiral (G1 -
Ships Captain (Vessel
General of the Army (G5 Armed Forces Tactical Commander)
Knight General (G1 - G4
Tactical Commander)
Field General (G1 Field Commander)
Knight Colonel (Commander)
Knight Captain (Group Commander)
Lieutenant (Group Commander)
(Range of Enlisted
Champion (Special PVP Appointment)
KGB Marshals of Justice Division
Order of the KGB Paladins
High King / Queen |
The KGB Constitution states that the High King / Queen is Commander in Chief of all KGB military forces. The High King / Queen is ultimately responsible for the performance and actions of all KGB Factions.
KGB High Chancellors report to the High King / Queen.
High Chancellor |
The rank of High Chancellor is essentially the Guildmaster of KGB in a specific gaming world or game server
Overall leader of all KGB forces in a specific KGB Faction
with the assistance of Chancellors, Vice Chancellors, and Military Leadership
(SEE KGB CONSTITUTION PAGES and Articles of Confederation for details)
KGB Naval Forces Command |
Vessels or Ships controlled by the KGB nation
will now have their own command structure separate from the KGB Army. The KGB
Navy will have dedicated crews who's sole responsibility if ship defense and
fleet tactics. Army / Marine crews will have separate command when not assigned
to defending a ship or its crew.
** Naval Forces Command do not have jurisdiction of Army / Marine forces
These guidelines are for KGB owned ships. Members personal assets do not fall
under KGB Naval jurisdiction.
(A5) Admiral of the KGB Navy
In a faction where vessels or ships are possible, The Faction High Chancellor
will appoint a (A5) Admiral of the KGB Navy. The 5 Star Admiral will be
responsible for Naval management and will oversee all KGB owned shipping.
Depending on the size of the fleet. The A5 may appoint additional Admirals
ranging in rank from A1 (1 Star) to A4 (4 Star). Admirals report to the faction
High Chancellor, and ultimately, the KGB High King / Queen. Naval command
carries no jurisdiction over Army or Marine forces.
(NC1) Ship's Captain Navy
On per incident basis, Naval Command appoints a SHIPS CAPTAIN. This individual
will be the overall commander of that vessel, and all assigned crew. This
commander has the last word when it comes to an individual ship, the safety of
its crew, and the success of it's orders / mission. The CAPTAIN will designate
assigned crew and duties before a ship or vessel departs.
Army / Marine forces aboard ship
Army forces not assigned to the ships crew
will report to the commanding Army officer on board. These forces will be self
sufficient. When necessary, the SHIPS CAPTAIN may be required to disengage and
must put the safety of his or her ship above the Army / Marine forces. CAPTAINS
will do their best to support ground forces whenever possible.
Generals of the Army (Supreme Commander, KGB Ground Forces) |
The positions of General of the Army (G5) was created by the High King / Queen to organize, focus on and run the KGB Military. Reporting to the High Chancellor, The G5s are responsible for all ongoing military actions and are the top of the military chain of command. There will be no more than two G5s at anytime.
The G5s are directly responsible for the performance and actions of all military personnel as well as large scale tactical operations at the highest level. G5s have direct input on promotions, demotions, and awards. The G5s will plan and organize all major military actions and is charged with making the KGB military the best they can be.
Proven warrior and tactician
Appointed by the High King
Leading the KGB Armed forces has proven to be a extremely difficult position. The former Warlord position saw high turn over and burn out. The new system can have up to two Five Star Generals which is designed to relieve some of the pressure placed on the huge responsibility of this position.
Knight General (Commanding Officer) |
Reporting to the Generals of the Army, Generals are the site commanders and help to administrate the Military of their Divisions.
They are ultimately responsible for the tactics and discipline of KGB group commanders.
Proven warrior and tactician
Field General (Field Commanding Officer) |
Reporting to the 5 Star General, Field General's only concern is leading in a tactical role on site in times of war.
The Field General is the Champion of the command staff. They have shown countless times that they understand the art of war and how to lead others to victory. They have one concern only: Winning battles. A Field General will take charge of a mission or battle only if there are no other Generals who wish command. They are above all Knight Colonels, Knight Captains, and Lieutenants.
Extensive experience leading large battle forces with superior tactics.
Not involved in the administration side of command
Knight Colonel (Officer) |
A Knight Colonel reports to the Generals and is the ranking officer for group level operations. Knight Captains report the Colonel and there is usually 1 Colonel to every 3 to 4 Captains. Colonels keep the Captains organized and on task and ensure that the Captains are a tight knit and functional combat unit.
A Knight Colonel is responsible for reviewing, maintaining and improving the status of the troops in his division (Captains). He is required to undertake whatever training is necessary for his troops. Enlisted Members are bound by honor to follow the orders assigned to them by their Knight Colonel.
Must posses the people skills and respect needed to keep group leaders working together and winning on the battlefield.
Knight Captain (Officer) |
Knight Captains command on the group level. The lead a group of KGBers in battle in coordination of the lead tactical officer. They also lead PVE, and scouting operations.
Captains help to train and create tight combat teams that work well together and compliment each other. Captians must take tactical direction from their superiors as part of a larger team dedicated to winning on the battle field..
Must posses the people skills and the respect needed to keep group members working together and winning on the battlefield.
Lieutenant (Officer) |
- Lieutenants generally command on the group level.
- Higher ranking leaders that are not fully active may retain this rank until
they return to active duty.
- Armed Forces Leadership Consultants may also carry the rank of Lieutenant.
Depending on their role, this is the basic level for Armed Forces command.
KGB Champion (Special Forces Combat Appointment) |
KGB Champions are selected by FACTION LEVEL MILITARY LEADERSHIP. The Champion rank is attained by proving yourself ELITE in combat situations and close knit group combat. The KGB Champions have their own private form and are considered the SPECIAL FORCES branch of KGB. Guild resources will be provided to keep the champions fighting. This means less farming and more fighting.
* The rank of
champion is granted based on dedication to combat, and not seniority.
* Champions must follow orders and the code.
* Champions do not EMO rage or complain.
* A Champion's goal is to perfect group tactics and be the best they can be.
How does one become a Champion?
The rank of Champion is not a clique, and is open to
all. There is no limit on the number of Champions. To be considered for this
rank you need to do the following:
1) When the call goes out for PvP groups, heed the call, and show your
dedication to group victory and tactic development.
2) Obey the leadership. Dont test or challenge commands in combat. Take a
leader in 1 on 1 Vent channel and discuss suggestions or ask questions.
3) Dont whine, complain, Emo Rage, Point Fingers, etc. Again is you have
something to say, then pull a leader into 1v1.
4) BE READY FOR COMBAT! Have you equipment staged and be on Ready 5 (Five
minutes lead time to PVP)
5) Finally, you dont have to be the best PVPer, you just have to try hard, and
obey the rules above! Skills will come with time.
If you do all these things, you will be noticed by leadership, and they will
approach you. It is never appropriate to "Ask" for Champion rank. Get
involved, do what is asked above, and you will be asked.
Questions? Contact any KGB Military Officer.
To allow a group of dedicated Elite PvPers to focus on group based PvP and nothing else. The guild as a whole will do its best to support this group with resources to keep them fighting as much as possible.
Supreme Knight |
The rank of KGB SUPREME KNIGHT is the highest enlisted rank. This position of respect is held by KGB's long time veterans that have made a major contribution to the organization as a whole. Good behavior over the long hall, sacrifice, and commitment are all important attributes of a SUPREME KNIGHT.
- 5 Years of KGB Membership and at least 1 year of consistent activity in any KGB Faction
- Recommendation from a KGB General
- Majority vote from the KGB Senate and Federal Faction
- Approval by a KGB Federal Faction Executive (High King / Queen, Prime Minister)
This is a military enlisted rank and not a command rank. It represents your commitment to KGB, your accomplishments, and your seniority.
High Knight |
The rank of KGB HIGH KNIGHT is the second highest enlisted rank. This position of respect is held by KGB veterans that have made a mark for themselves and serve as examples to the rest of the guild in behavior, dedication, and commitment.
- 3 Years of KGB Membership and at least 1 year of consistent activity in any KGB Faction
- Majority vote from the KGB Senate and Federal Faction
- Approval by a KGB Federal Faction Executive (High King / Queen, Prime Minister)
This is a military enlisted rank and not a command rank. It represents your commitment to KGB, your accomplishments, and your seniority.
Master Knight |
Having proven themselves in combat, Knights may take on the title of Master Knight. The Master Knight is well experienced in the art of war. Having finished honing their primary combat skills, Master Knights often begin to diversify learning other combat disciplines.
- 1 Year of KGB Membership and at least 1 year of consistent activity in any KGB Faction
- Majority vote from the KGB Senate and Federal Faction
- Approval by a KGB Federal Faction Executive (High King / Queen, Prime Minister)
This is a military enlisted rank and not a command rank. It represents your commitment to KGB, your accomplishments, and your seniority.
Knight |
The Knight represents the embodiment of the ideals of The KGB. They must demonstrate both Honor and Valor while enforcing the will of the KGB. A Knight demonstrate the art of virtuous living while preserving the good name of the Knights of Glory and Beer.
- Granted upon completing the KGB Citizenship process.
KGB Marshals of Justice |
KGB Marshals of Justice Division
The Marshals of Justice have a unique
historic background in the Knights of Glory and Beer (See Original
Definition). Today, Marshals serve a much different purpose:
Current Role
The KGB Marshals of Justice division is activated
when KGB holds a property in any Faction that requires policing and defense.
The Marshals #1 priority is to patrol, protect, and defend KGB assets and
citizens. A Provost Marshal is selected to lead this important division to
ensure Faction progress.
Historic Role of the KGB Marshals of Justice
(disbanded after UO era)
A ministerial officer, appointed by the
General of the Army (G5) with approval from the High King of KGB, to execute the
process of the courts, Laws, and Code of the KGB Constitution. These special
officers will fall under the command of the General of the Army (G5). As
a KGB Marshal of Justice, these individuals have a "license to enforce KGB
justice and to terminate potential enemies without question. A Marshal may use
his or her judgment to determine is necessary to deal with complex problems of
enforcement beyond the scope of the standard military. Marshals are only
required to follow orders from the Provost General of the Army (G5), The Supreme
Court, and the High King. KGB Marshals will wear the Guild title of Marshal of
Justice at all times.
- Must hold the rank of KGB Knight or above
Order of the KGB Paladins |
The Paladins of Glory and Beer (Order of the KGB Paladins)
Paladins do not fall under Military rule
for they are the spiritual branch of the KGB. Our Paladin brothers focus on one thing and one thing only, the art of
War. Leaving their ranks and titles behind, they have sworn their lives to the
art of combat. Creating a new order in the KGB, these men have been chosen to
follow the path of the Paladin. They will not be distracted with Guild Politics.
Combat is their religion, and new techniques and fighting evil will be their
Out of respect for this order, it is forbidden to request to
join. If you are to be a Paladin, you will be approached. Only the Paladins know
when the time is right for you to become one. One should always show respect
toward these disciples of war, as they represent combat in its purest
KGB Paladin is not a leadership rank, it is a special order of Citizen that focuses on PVP combat and report directly to the KGB High Chancellor rank as represented below:
GM5 - High King/High Queen
- GM4 - Prime Ministers
- - GM3 - Chief of Staff
- - - GM2/F5 - High Chancellor
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P5 - Order of
the KGB Paladins
- - - - F4 - Chancellor
- - - - - F3 - Vice Chancellor
- - - - - - F2 / G5 - 5 Star General
Order of the KGB Paladins Rules of Conduct
Section 1, Conduct
The following are the rules of the Order of the KGB Paladins that every member
is to follow. Violations of these rules will result in review and punishment per
the KGB Supreme Court and removal from the Order of the KGB Paladins upon
conviction of a single offense.
Clause 1. Presentation and Communication - KGB Paladins will treat all persons
(Friends and Foes alike) with respect in all forms of communication at all
times. No Member of the KGB will use racial slurs under any circumstances. KGB
Members will present themselves as honorable, respectable, and chivalrous at all
time with no exceptions!
Clause 2. Knowledge - You are expected to be educated in the rules and
regulations of KGB, and keep up to date on current events and needs. All
Paladins are expected to check the KGB Oracle on a regular basis. Lack of
knowledge is not a defense against violations of KGB's ever changing laws.
Clause 3. Loyalty - You are expected to obey the wishes of the guild leadership
(High Chancellor and above) and follow the rules and regulations of the guild at
all times without question. There are ways to question the conduct of Guild
leaders if you feel that they are not following the KGB code. This should be
done after you have performed your duty, as the Commander will be held directly
responsible for their decisions and orders. The KGB High King and Prime
Ministers are always there to discuss the actions of Guild leadership.
Clause 4. Personal Conduct - KGB Paladins will never be involved in lying to,
cheating of, stealing from, or harming the innocent. As a member of KGB it is
your responsibility to enforce the code and mission. You must take all of the
conduct guidelines into consideration as you perform your duty.
Clause 5. Assistance and Association - You are a Paladin of KGB first. You must
be prepared to put guild goals ahead of your own, and your loyally to the Guild
above personal friendships and relationships. All Paladins are expected to
perform their duty at all times.
KGB Award Gallery
KGB AWARDS - Armed Forces
KGB Medal of Honor
This Medal is the KGB's highest honor. It is bestowed on an individual by proposition and vote by the KGB High King. Recipients of the Medal are certainly among the elite of Britannia. A Candidate must show amazing, almost impossible skill, ability and bravery in a COMBAT situation. Only in the rarest of occasions does the High King consider this award.
KGB Medal Of Valor
This Medal is the KGB's second highest honor. It is bestowed on an individual by proposition and vote by the KGB High King. This Medal is a way for the High King to award a soldier for showing the ultimate bravery in a COMBAT situation. It is almost a requirement that the recipient die and sacrifice his notoriety to receive this ultimate badge of courage. Only in the rarest of occasions does the High King consider this award.
KGB Silver Star
The Medal is the Military's highest honor. It is bestowed on an individual by the CIC in conjunction with the commanding General. It is a way for the Military to recognize a soldiers uncommon valor and effectiveness in a COMBAT situation.
Order of the KGB Award
To join the ranks of the Golden Order of the KGB, a soldier must present 200 documented kills (Screen Shot Required) of criminals that have been determined enemies of the KGB. You are not limited to one award. You may receive 1 per 200 documented kills.
of the KGB Award
To join the ranks of the Order of the KGB, a soldier must present 50 documented kills (Screen Shot Required) of criminals that have been determined enemies of the KGB. You are not limited to one award. You may receive 1 per 50 documented kills.
KGB High Kings Golden Cross
This Medal is bestowed on an individual by the High King himself. It is a way for the top ranking officer to recognize individuals for exemplary service to him and to the Guild.
KGB Prime Ministers Golden Cross
This Medal is bestowed on an individual by the Prime Minister. It is a way for him to recognize individuals for exemplary service to him and to the Guild.
KGB Distinguished Service Cross
The Medal is a great honor to receive. It is bestowed on an individual by the CIC in conjunction with the commanding General. Soldiers that are especially innovative and stand out in their units are candidates to receive this award. It is awarded when a Service award just is not enough.
KGB Service Medal
This Medal is awarded to Soldiers that perform service over and above the call of duty in COMBAT situations. This Medal is a honor to receive. It is bestowed on an individual by the CIC in conjunction with the commanding General.
KGB AWARDS - Guild Service
The Royal Order of the High King
The Royal Order of the High King is an elite group of KGB Members, Military and non-military that have served in the Guild for at least 6 months. Members of this elite order swear their fealty to KGB, promising that they will remain in the guild as long a KGB survives in at least inactive status. They must strictly adhere to the 1st Commandment at all times. KGB ROHK members represent the most dedicated and committed members in KGB and will be respected as such. ROHK Members will be placed in a special section of the Hall of Fame.
If an ROHK member leaves KGB after they have
pledged their membership, they will have seven days in which to reconsider.
If they choose to leave after the waiting period the following actions will be
1) Separation from the Guild is permanent, no exceptions.
Not even the High King may intervene
2) The former ROHK will not be allowed to take part in or use KGB resources of
any kind (IRC Channels, KGB Email and Webspace, KGB Message boards)
The ROHK represents the ultimate commitment to our organization. It should not be taken lightly, and you should consider depth of the commitment before pursuing membership. The KGB High King is the only position that my induct members to this order.
The Distinguished Conduct Cross
This medal is a great honor to receive. It is awarded to individuals who take the 10 Commandments and Code very seriously. It can be awarded multiple times to both Military and Non-Military personnel in situations where a members honorable conduct, respect, humility, and adherence to the Code make a difference in a valuable situation. Recipients of this award should be looked at as examples and mentors of how to represent your guild. This award may be bestowed by KGB leadership with the approval of the High King, Prime Minister, or Chief of Staff.
KGB Guild Service Medal of Honor
This Medal is the KGB's highest guild service award honor (Non-Military Service). It is bestowed on an individual by proposition and vote by the KGB High King. This is a way f to recognized the contributions and services other than military. This award may be presented to individuals outside of the KGB or to an entire guild.
The KGB Guild Distinguished Service Medal
This award is presented to individuals who's non-Military contribution to the guild stands out from the rest. It is a great honor to receive this award as it is a statement to the recipient's exemplary performance and sacrifice to his Guild and the KGB Nation.
The KGB Guild Service Medal
This Medal is awarded to individuals that perform service over and above the call of duty in a non-combat situation. This Medal is a honor to receive. It can be bestowed on an individual by Faction Leaders (High Chancellor / Shogun), the Chief of Staff, Prime Minister, or High King.
Service Medal
Members will receive the award for every year of service to the guild. You must apply for this award to receive it. If you have served the KGB for one year or more, contact the High King.